Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Swimming Day 3

Well.....let's just say we started out not so great. When we got there, he just sat in my lap not making a peep. Then as soon as I told him to go to Mrs. Teresa, he started crying. I actually went home to get my swim suit and when I got back and I held him in the water, he did the same thing(uncontrollable crying). We decided to call it quits and come back after he calmed down. So off we went back to the house for a much needed nap. After the nap, I took him back and just he and I got in the water. He did great!!! I tried to make it fun by chasing leaves in the water. Whatever works, right? As soon as Mrs. T got in the pool, here come the waterworks. BUT...he did stop whenever I held him. By the end of the lesson, he was swimming to the stairs and sitting down and clapping. He did SO much better today.

On to tomorrow...swim day 4.....

By the way, James is in Spartanburg this week and we are missing him dearly!!!!!! Love ya babe!

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