Tuesday, July 22, 2008


It was a busy weekend! Ladies night out on Friday, James played golf on Saturday and I had a Bachelorette party on Sunday. All 3 events were a lot of fun!

James is back at work this week. He'll be there for probably a couple more weeks. I really have alot of respect for military families and single parent families. It's not hard for me since Ryland is little and we just have one child, but for those that have several children, I can't imagine how busy they are without any downtime.

Last night I had dinner with my dear friend, Vickie. We stayed at the resturaunt for a long time, but there were empty tables all around so we didn't feel bad. It was so good to talk to her and spend time laughing at silly stories.... They are pursuing the adoption route since the statistics are that any more children they would have could have a 1 in 4 chance of having the disease that Emma had. I am praying that God is preparing the perfect baby for them. Love you VM!

As far as the weight thing goes, I did lose some weight last week, but going out to eat and overdoing it brought them right back. I have GOT to get to exercising!

I guess that's it for now! Have a good week!


Momma 2...5 said...

Since you have that pool, you should try water aerobics. I am doing it this summer at a pool in town. It is really working. Just google water aerobics and it will give all kinds of exercises. I wish I were there to do it with you. Keep it up! If you fall off, just hop right back on that wagon! Have a great day!

Shannon said...

Sounds like a great idea, Amanda. Thanks for the encouragement...

Annette said...

I am new to the blogging world, but I saw your blog thru someone else. I thought I would try to encourage you to keep working on losing weight. I started working out about a year ago and it has been tough, but great. I saw pounds drop in the beginning, but now I jsut feel better. I have good weeks and bad. Just don't give up.