Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ryland's 18 month appt.

Ryland went to the doctor for his 18 month appt. After hearing that today is the 15th, I realized that he is 19 months today! Time is going so fast! He did really well. He didn't cry as much as he normally does. He let Dr. B listen to his heart/lungs and check his ears/eyes/throat. I was so proud of him. He did have to get a shot but the nurse that did it gave it to him so fast, I was amazed. He cried for a minute and then was saying "bye-bye". He wanted to get out of there fast!!! I let him have a lollipop on the way home, so all was well with the world.

Here are his stats:
Weight - 23# 13oz - 15th percentile
Height - 32 inches - 65th percentile!!!!! He's been in the 10-15th percentile since he's been born.

He got a clean bill of health and we talked about potty training. He is doing really well with it. I don't have any expectations for him right now. If he does it great, if not....that's fine too!
Overall...a good visit!

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