Sunday, July 6, 2008

My day.....

Yesterday was my 31st birthday. I really enjoyed my day. My mom and I went to get our nails done. I got a manicure and a pedicure. Those of you who know me well know that I don't really enjoy going and getting my nails done, but I like the finished product. Anyway, now I have pretty nails. I even splurged and got a flower each of my big toes! Afterwards, I went to Kohls by myself to shop. I bet I spent 2 hours in there. I love to shop by myself b/c I'll pick out several items and then at the last minute I play the "what do I really want to buy" game. I walk all over the store returning things to their original racks and usually end up buying things I didn't have to start with. Crazy, I know....but when you have adult ADD, that's the things you do. Afterwards, I went to an office supply store and bought a nice pen. I collect pens and I like to get new ones for different occasions. Once again, yes, I know I'm crazy. Last night, James and I went to Outback for dinner. I love that place and the only time we go is when we go out of town, usually to Destin. My mom watched Ryland for us, so James and I went to a couple of stores b/c I am out to find the perfect purse for me. Still looking.....

All in all, it was a great day....


Mark and Abbie's blog said...

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like it was a great day!

hollie marie said...

How nice!!! Happy birthday!
I'm a bad shopper too- only after 2 hours of walking around and trying things on and carrrying all sorts of outfits and goodies around I'll feel guilty, decide I dont need anything and put it all back and leave. I ended up spending my birthday money on groceries! Ha!