Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thoughts for Tuesday

I made this blog title up myself, hehe. I hope you enjoyed reading my NotMe Monday blog.

Today, I thought I'd share some thoughts. As a whole, I like to keep my blog pretty distant, no really deep thoughts, but today, I thought I'd blog about what I learned in Bible study this morning.

I am doing a Beth Moore study called "Stepping Up". I've really enjoyed it so far and I've gotten some good nuggets each week. Today, in the video, she talked about friends and how as a body of believers, we need to stand "shoulder to shoulder" with each other (Zeph. 3:9). As we stand shoulder to shoulder, Satan is going to want to break us apart and we CAN NOT let him. He wants to build a gap and try to destroy us. We need to encourage each other (Hebrews 10:25) and not tear one another down. I sometimes struggle with friendships b/c I feel like I give and give and don't get anything in return. But I'm learning that doesn't mean I stop giving. I think it actually humbles me more. Jesus gave and didn't expect anything in return. There was no condition, He died for me out of His love for me. Thank the Lord there were no conditions...

Beth also spoke about how people are just too busy for friends anymore. I don't ever want to be too busy for my friends. So for everyone reading this, friends and family, please know that I love you and want to continue to stand "shoulder to shoulder" with you as we continue this journey called life.....

1 comment:

hollie marie said...

Wow- that's great! There are so many times when I get downtrodden with some of my friendships because I feel like they are one-sided and I am not getting the love I'm giving. This is so encouraging! I hope next time I am getting discouraged I can remember and be humbled as well.