Sunday, September 21, 2008

Not Me! Monday...a day early

This is my first time doing anything like this. It's called Not Me! Mondays and it's a blog telling all the things you didn't do the week before. The idea is from a blogsite I've been following for many months. Click on the Not Me! Monday button on the right to see others who have done the same thing. It's hilarious to see what others DON'T do!

I know it's a day early, but that's ok!

1. I did not send Ryland in the other room so I could eat some of his M&M's. And when he came and asked for one, I DID NOT tell him they were all gone.

2. I do NOT hold up my hand to be able to tell the difference between right and left.

3. I did NOT agree that I tripped over a toy in the nursery just so I didn't have to admit I tripped over my own pantleg.

4. I am NOT addicted to my computer and I DON'T ever let Ryland just sit in front of the tv so I can look at some of my favorite websites.

5. I did NOT ask a lady at church when she was due and I DID not act shocked when she told me her new baby was right behind me with her husband. I DID NOT feel dumb at ALL...

6. I did not answer the door for the mailman delivering James's bike accessories in my tshirt, shorts and no bra b/c I didn't have time to put one on.....that would be embarrassing...good thing I didn't do that.

1 comment:

churchillclan said...

AAAHHH! I love it Shannon! How fun! Okay, I have to tell you that the picture at the top is definitely one of your best. It almost brought tears to my eyes! You are good girl!