Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!!!

I just want to say HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY to my husband and best friend James!!!!

I can't believe we've been married for 10 years now. We've had highs and lows, (like everyone has), but it's been a firm, solid relationship and I am so thankful for that. God has blessed us continually and I am thankful that He chose James to be my man.

Love you baby!

Can't wait to go to Outback tonight!! Whoo Whoo!!


hollie marie said...

You guys look so young! What, were you 12 years old when you got married?? ;)
Congratulations on 10 years- it's an incredible accomplishment!!!

Shannon said...

We were 21 and 22. We've been together for a total of 17 years!!!