Monday, May 19, 2008

One positive thing

I do have a positive thing to say today....

Our Awana awards ceremony was last night. Our Cubbies (3&4 yr olds) did GREAT!!! I was so proud of them. They were so excited to be able to sing in front of their family. They sang loud and clear and none of them fell down the stairs.

Ok, starting to feel better by thinking about positive things.....


Anonymous said...

They did do wonderful! I was so proud of them! As I sat watching them I am not sure I could have been any prouder of them had they been my own children! They also did good in church for as long as they had to sit in there! I will sure miss my group of kids! It was a privilege to teach them.

Anonymous said...

That last comment was written by me! I forgot to leave my name!
Kim Raborn

Anonymous said...

Those 3&4 years olds were very impressive with their singing and behavior. When are you going to post more pictures of that adorable little boy or yours?