Friday, May 9, 2008

What's new?

Ryland is doing much better. His throat doesn't seem to be hurting anymore. I'm very thankful for that. He's been really good and for the week, his temper tantrums have subsided.

This weekend is Mother's day. I thank the Lord every day for allowing me to be a mom. I am so blessed that he is a healthy, happy boy. I don't ever want to take that for granted. There are so many moms out there that do not have healthy children and I cannot fathom what that is like, nor do I want to. My heart is heavy for my good friend, Vickie, who will be celebrating her first Mother's day in the hospital with her beautiful, sweet baby girl, Emma. Emma has a rare skin disease that involves blistering at the slightest rubbing or friction. We are praying for Emma daily and ask the Lord to heal her fragile skin. Please pray for her as well.

Happy Mother's Day and enjoy your weekend.....

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