Friday, February 5, 2010

Rainy day in Georgia...

Yep, another rainy day. This year, we have had tons of rain and cold days. Not usually normal for us. I enjoy rainy days when I can stay at home and relax...but now that I have an active 3 year old, those days are far and few. But...I wouldn't have it any other way.

We are planning on heading to the Y this morning. I do not like getting out in this mess, but I can't use it as an excuse. I am enjoying the workout now and look forward to it on the days I go.

Tomorrow, James and I will be walking in a fund raiser. It's in memory of my friends that lost their baby, Emma. We are taking Ry in the stroller. Hopefully, he'll behave and not ask to get out and walk. We'll see.

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