Monday, November 30, 2009

Ryland update

I realized today that I haven't really updated on my wild child lately and since James and the grandparents are the only that reads this, I'm sure they would like to know what Ryland is up to.

After I went back and read this, I realized that my ADD has kicked in big time and I am all over the place with this blog. Just warning ya!

As you know, Ryland will be 3 in two weeks!!! We were at Walmart today and he was throwing my lipstick that I was buying(which I hated once I got home, they never look like the package) out of the buggy and laughing at me when I picked it up. (He only did that a couple of times and we were in the back of the store). That was fine until he threw it in front of a lady's buggy. After giving me the "It's okay, I know how little ones are" look I said "I'm sorry, he's three". I don't know why I used that as an excuse, but he immediately said "I NOT 3! I 2!!" Reminds me of someone, huh Mom?

He is so independent and very sure about what he knows. He doesn't like to be called anything but his name. I can't even call him 'buddy' before he let's me know that's not his name. He's so silly and is into singing all the time now. He loves to sing "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty".

He is getting a big boy bed this week and is so excited about it. We'll be repainting his room and putting up crown molding. Yeah!

We were on our way to the grocery store and it started raining. I asked him, not really expecting an answer, "where did this rain come from?" and he immediately said "God!" :o)

He picked a flower for me a couple of weeks ago and it was the sweetest thing. He melts my heart almost daily.

I am rambling about all kinds of stories, but that's where I am right now. Here, there and everywhere with him. He really helps me with my ADD. :o)

Ryland is the biggest challenge I have ever faced. Parenting is the hardest job I've ever done and I know the end results will show it was worth every stress and worry. He is so smart and silly. He has a sweet, compassionate heart and I pray that he will always have that.

Ok...that was a long post that really said nothing. :o) But if you made it this far, thanks for reading!


Kim said...

James and Ryland's grandparents are not the only people that read your blog! I go to it daily to see if you have posted anything! I love hearing about Ryland and what is going on with you! Merry Christmas!

Shannon said...

Thanks Kim! Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!