Monday, December 7, 2009

God is always at work...

I started a bible study back in October that is going through the book of John. It has taught me so much, just to slow down and really read God's word. God's timing is always perfect and I just wanted to share what God is doing in my life and why I am thankful for this Christmas season.

This Christmas season has been so much fun so far! I have enjoyed buying for family and Ryland. I am pretty much finished with my gift buying and have the 'time' to sit back and enjoy this time and not rush it. It has been fun buying for Ryland the things I know he's gonna love. I can also see how easy it is to want to continue to buy, buy, buy. It's just fun to give to others. I am very glad that God has kept my head level and I have not overdone his gifts.

I am thankful that God has opened up opportunities to help others. I wanted to share what God is doing in my life.

I have been humbled at how much we've been blessed with. I believe it is b/c of me being made aware of others in need at the Missions Conference we had last month. While reading a favorite blog of mine, God laid it very, very heavy on my heart that we are to support a child from another country. The lady in the blog had just come back from a mission trip to El Salvador and reading of what she saw there was a blessing to me. After I finished reading her post, I sat here and sobbed for those that are in need. That is something I have never done before, sad to admit. To think that God chose me to live here in the US and not in a third world country just blows my mind. So I got onto the Compassion website and started praying and asking for God to show me which precious child to sponsor. I searched different countries and different ages. There was one little boy that kept coming up. There was a sparkle in his eye. He's got something different about him. I finally asked God "Is this little boy the one?" He was. With tears, I called James and sounded like a blubbering fool. I needed him to know what God was telling me and even though I didn't need his "permission", I needed his encouragement. Of course, he was fine with whatever God was calling me to do. So I sponsored a precious little boy named Yefry from Honduras. He's 5 and lives with his grandparents. I feel like God will use him to minister to his people one day. And I want a part of that! I could not wait to get his information in the mail and send my first check off to him! And people, if you don't know me that well, this is NOT me. I like to stay in my comfort zone and try not get out of it very often. Which is why I know God has BIG plans for Yefry.

When the information came in the mail and I opened it and saw his picture, I just smiled. I showed him to Ryland and told him all about him. Ryland liked the fact that Yefry loves to play cars. Whenever we talk about Yefry, Ryland says "Yefry plays cars like me". I am very excited to see where God is going to take this.

This Christmas season is definitely different for me. I'm usually trying to make sure I get all the right gifts for everyone and stress about will they really like it. This time, I'm thankful I could get friends and family something, but even more thankful that I can help others this year too! Christmas is all about Love and I want God to use me to show His Love to others.

Merry CHRISTmas!!!


1 comment:

Kim said...

He is adorable!!! What a thoughtful way to share God's love!