Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's partytime!

We had Ryland's birthday party today. His actual birthday is on Monday, the 15th. It started off stressful as I found out my uncle was in a car accident this morning and taken to the hospital. He had a serious cut to the head and that was all I knew. I was very stressed and the waiting was hard. I tried to call my friend 3 times to tell her to pray for me b/c I was wigging out. But her phone was busy. She has call waiting so there was no reason why it should have been busy. I immediately knew that God did not want me to depend on her, and I needed to pray to HIM and not depend on anyone else. So I did and I began to pray for my uncle. I began to have a peace and I didn't even take any medicine(hehe). I know that God is in control and He is the only one that knew exactly what was going on with my uncle. My mom called a little while later and said that he was alert and talking. He has a really bad cut on his head that was to the skull. We are still waiting scan results for his organs. I am very thankful that he seems to be doing ok for the time being.

After that, I had about 45 mins to compose myself. Everyone started arriving and we had a great time. Ryland loved having everyone over. He loves trains so it was a Thomas the train themed party. Now that I think about it, I didn't even get a pic of the cake. Oh well..... Anyway, we had pizza and cake. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Here are some pics of today. Thank you to everyone that came! We love you!


1 comment:

churchillclan said...

Shannon - we had a great time! That little guy is just getting too big and he was so much fun to watch. I think he was slightly overwhelmed, what do you think? :) I'm glad your uncle is okay and that he is out of the hospital. Remind me to tell you about knocking myself out on the van door when we left your house!