Saturday, December 20, 2008


This past week, we've be sooo busy and having a lot of fun. Tuesday I went to my first Bunko party and had a blast. Wednesday night, our kid's choir had a Christmas performance. That was um...interesting...but fun. The kids did great and as always, we had a couple of comedians as well. Thursday we went to Jim and Janna's to exchange kids gifts. Ryland had a ball having the freedom to go wherever he wanted to. Friday we went to Lights of the South with Doug/Trisha/Savannah, Michael/Christy/Olivia, and a new couple I invited from MOPS Jessica/Ryan/Elodie. After the lights, we went to Trisha's for chilli where Ryland and Savannah had a ball. It's so sweet to watch the two of them. They act like brother and sister and I pray they continue to grow up as best friends.

Today is Saturday and we don't have anything planned. After such a crazy week, it's nice.....

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