Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boshear's Fly In

Every year, Augusta has the Boshear's Fly-In. There are tons of planes, vendors, and a flying airplane show thing...bear with me here, I'm tired.

When we got there, the first thing we saw was 2 helicopters, offering helicopter rides. James said he wanted to go and of course Ryland wanted to go too. So, I lost my mind, and agreed to go too. Side note....WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS I THINKING???? I guess it was the One Month to Live logic, which might I add, James and I have lived that for the last 8 yrs or so.... Ok, back to the subject. Before I could change my mind, Ryland and I climbed in while James finished paying and I made him sit up front. Ryland did great! He looked out of the window while visions of us crashing down to the ground danced in my head. All the while, I'm smiling and telling Ryland how much fun this was. At least we'd all meet Jesus together. Morbid, I know. So to battle those thoughts, I started praying that God would let us land safely and sure enough, the peace came to me. So did the ground. :o)

We watched the parachuters jump and land safely as well as the planes do difficult manuevers. It was a lot of fun to be with my guys and watch them enjoy 'guy' stuff. :o)

Before they started the airplane flyover show, they even prayed! I am was impressed and thankful that there are still some public venues that pray and they even said "In Jesus Name".

Pictures to follow...

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