Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hyders are well...for the moment.

Everyone is doing well....so far. I did break out in hives a couple of days after the stomach flu. I've never had hives before and let me tell you....it's no fun. I've heard that once you turn 30, things start changing and I can attest to that. Since I've turned 30, I've had a double ear infection, followed by a single ear infection(don't remember ever having an ear infection before), stomach flu(I've not had the flu in about 7 years), hives and that doesn't include the aches and pains of every day life. I'm sounding old......

Ryland is doing great! Last week, while James was home, I think he got a little spoiled b/c James held him during his naps. He is finally settling into his routine again and sleeping through the night. Thank you Ryland!

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