Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year...New Beginnings

Happy New Year's Eve!

I usually don't do resolutions b/c I think they are silly. But this year, I am going to look at this new year as a new beginning for me. Here are my resolutions this year.

1. Make time to reconnect with friends/family.
2. Spend more time in God's word...daily
3. Blog more!
4. Lose weight...I know, I know.

If I can't do these things, I know that the world will not end and it's not a big deal, but these are my goals for this year.

I can't go back and try to catch up b/c with my ADD, it's too overwhelming so I'm starting fresh.
I had a blogger friend say that she went back to her blog and was able to update a baby book b/c of her blog. I want to be able to do that with Ryland. I haven't posted about him in a while and I know in time, I'll forget what silly and crazy things he's doing right now. Like calling me an idiot the other day. (Good thing he doesn't know what that means)

So I am going to use this as my journal to share with family and friends.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I'm ready to BRING IT!!!!

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