Monday, January 25, 2010


It's been a while since I've posted but it's really b/c nothing has been going on that is exciting. Ryland is testing me a lot lately, but it's b/c he's 3. That's his job. How I react to him is another thing. I've gotten very frustrated because I feel like all I do is discipline. I'm trying to remember that consistency is the key. We are soooo much alike in our personalities that we are both determined to have the last word. Ugh.

We joined the Y last week and Ryland loves going to the playroom. I don't like it while I'm there, but once I get through it, I'm glad I did. I have really let myself go and it is definitely showing by my getting tired doing the small exercises. I meet a good friend and work out with her. It makes the time go by much faster.

That's pretty much it for now.

Have a great week...I'm on my way out to go to the Y!

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