Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I can't believe it's now 2010! I remember when everyone was worried about Y2K. I will have my 15 yr high school reunion this year! Wow, that makes me feel old!

We finished the 2009 year great! Ryland had a great birthday and we celebrated the greatest birthday of all....Jesus! For Christmas, we had some friends over and exchanged gifts with friends and family. We had a birthday cake for Jesus that was delicious!

Ryland got his green car, aka, power wheels vehicle. He LOVES driving it around the yard and cul-de-sac and he's a pretty good driver...for a 3 year old!

I always laugh at New Year's resolutions b/c I think they are made to be broken. :o) But seriously, I am going to try to lose some of this weight. I've got to get back to going to the gym and eating better. I did it before and lost 30 pounds. I know I can do it again....it's just going to be hard and I have to want it more than I want the food!!! If any of you struggle with food, you know what I mean!

I hope everyone has a great year this year! I pray that God will grow me(spiritually that is) and help me know how to teach Ryland more about Him.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Casey B said...

Good luck on your resolution!! I know I make that resolution every year because I always eat so badly over christmas and thanksgiving. Its hard to break those eating habits so I'm right with you, struggling with food and its crazy powers! It was great to see you at MOES last week!