Monday, September 7, 2009

Not again.....

In my last post I wrote that Ryland was not feeling good. Well, it turned out that he had a severe double ear infection. I've never seen him in so much pain. Well, after 3 trips to the dr, 2 shots of strong antibiotics, steroids and tylenol with codeine for the pain, he is back to himself. He is still on his oral antibiotics and has a couple of days left for those. I call tomorrow to see when his appt is with the ENT. Yep, looks like we may be getting tubes. For those that have had children get tubes, please let me know how it went. I am so glad Ryland is feeling better!

We were supposed to go camping for Labor Day weekend. With Ryland sick, we decided not to go and we stayed home to recoop. It was very relaxing and we all had a good time spending time with each other.

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!


Annette said...


Stephanie had to have two sets of tubes. Her first set was at 11 months old. Now, I will say that she continued to have draining ears which required ear drops. Now, I would so much rather do oral antibiotics than drops, but that is beside the point. The best part though was that she did not have any more sleepless nights due to ear infections Even when she had an infection they would just drain and take off the pressure. Major Plus! Her tubes fell out around 22 months and she had an ear infection the next month. So we were on to set #2 and this time she had her adenoids out as well. Number 2 was the charm(and the adenoids) and we may have had 2 infections since then. So take home message...tubes definitely made the illness issues easier to deal with. I hope that this relieves you some and not scare you. This is just one story.

hollie marie said...

Bummer!! I'm sure he'll feel 200% better after getting tubes put in. I havent ever had a kid with tubes, but during my nursing rotation, I saw a kid get tubes put in- very quick & simple procedure. (and I hear the recovery is pretty easy too)