Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Sometimes I have a lot to blog about then other times I feel like nothing new has been going on. Most of the time, it's just laziness. I wonder who really reads my blog anyway. If nothing else, this is just a good timeline for my life and I can go back and see how much Ryland has grown. :o)

Speaking of Ryland, I took him to the ENT and he is going to have tubes put in his ears. I am hoping it will stop the majority of his ear infections. Surgery date hasn't been set yet so I'm still waiting to hear from them....or maybe I should call...

James and I celebrated our 11th anniversary this weekend! We went to Myrtle Beach and my mom kept Ry for us. I enjoyed my vacation so much with James. It was so easy to reconnect since we didn't have a sweet little voice in the backseat screaming everytime he dropped a toy. :o) We shopped, walked at Broadway at the beach, played putt-putt and ate really good dinners! We talked about how special Myrtle is for us. I grew up going there as a child, went on family vacations with James, got sunburned bad every year. Myrtle is where James proposed to me on the beach, it's where we went right after losing our first baby, went camping there right after our first sonogram with Ryland and 'found' Ryland's name (on a billboard for a congressman). Yeah, I know, such a spiritual explanation for why we chose that name. :o) It's been a great 11 years. We've had ups and downs, but who hasn't. I am so thankful for James and he truly is my best friend! We've been together for 18 years this year! Not many can say that anymore these days. James is and always has been my rock and I am so thankful God sent him to me.

I wanted to take pics of our trip, but just didn't. I've gotten out of my photography lately. Maybe I'll be inspired to start taking pics again. :o)

I think I've caught up with what's going on in the Hyder's lives.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Glad you had a good time. It is good to get away without your kids and have one on one time with just your hubby. Hooray for you! I know it was tough but Ryland and you both survived and now you can do it again! You will just not be able to wear the shoes Ryland peed in yesterday!