Ry: Mama?
Me: Yes Ryland?
Ry: You a sweetheart.
Ry on the way home from church: I'm thirsty!
Me: Wait til we get home and I'll get you something.
Ry: But I want it now! (Insert whiney voice)
Me: Well, you'll just have to wait til we get home.
Ry: Mom, God says "Give a child a drink". I guess that's the 11th commandment according to Ryland.
At breakfast:
Ry: Mom, I forgive you.
Me: Forgive me for what?
Ry: I forgive you for frustrating me.
James in the truck waiting for me to get something out of the house:
James: Sigh.....
Ryland: Daddy, why did you do that? You have an attitude.
Those are just a few that stood out to me while I'm typing this but the list goes on. It's so amazing to see what he comes up with. He is a spitfire and the saying about having a "red-headed temper" proves true with him.
He loves to play outside in the dirt and wants so bad to catch a lizard. I hate lizards and won't go near one so I've told him he has to wait until Daddy gets home. The other night, I asked James to help him catch one and so off the two of them went. James sticks his head in the door and tells me to come outside. Ryland is sitting outside with a lizard in his hand. The look of accomplishment and excitement was a picture moment so I had to run get the camera.
See what I mean?????

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