Saturday, April 12, 2008

We're back

Well, we are back from camping. We spent a week at the lake and I survived. Ryland started off, not so good, but by the end of the week, he did much better. We had great weather and hung out with 8 other families so Ryland had plenty of entertainment.

I have learned the motto "Never say never" and I live by it. I have eaten so many words since I became a mom. I realized that I thought I knew how to parent until I became a parent. Now, I realize that I didn't have a clue. hehe I swore I'd never buy a kid harness, but after chasing Ryland at the campgrounds and saying "no" thousands of times, I broke down and bought one. That was the best $10 investment! He did great with it and it allowed him "freedom".

Ryland is such a stinker! He is so smart and I can't let his "little" size trick me into thinking he's too young to understand things. He knows what he likes and doesn't like. He throws tantrums on a daily basis now and it doesn't matter who is around. I am trying to ignore him when he does it b/c after he's on the floor, he'll immediately turn around and look at me. Silly kid....

I guess that's all for now. Have a great week!

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