Monday, September 17, 2007

9 Month Appt.

Ryland had his 9 month appt. Everything went fine. For those who don't know, Ryland has reflux very bad and spits up all day, every day. While we were in the room waiting for Dr. B, he spit up 3 times. Then when she was in there, he spit up on my shoulder and it went down the front and back of my shirt. Talk about distracting. He weighs 18 lbs and measures in the 25 percentile on height, weight and head size. I guess he's gonna be small. Sorry Ryland.....

He is crawling and pulling up everywhere and loves looking out of the back door. He can eat off of the table and he's doing good picking little pieces of food up and putting them in his mouth. He can drink from a straw, that is very impressive to James and me. He is such a people person and he's starting to 'dance' to music. So sweet.

My baby is getting big....I'm loving every day and cherishing it because I know it will go by fast.

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