Sunday, August 5, 2007


Let's see...the last time I posted, Ryland was just learning to scoot/crawl. Now, he can go anywhere he wants, even though he chooses to look like an inch worm on the floor. He says 'da da da', 'bye-bye-bye', 'hey', and 'hey dare'. He can go from lying down to sitting up and has found the door stop and loves to make noises with it.

He is definitely a mama's boy and I love it, I must confess. Everytime he sees me, he lights up and he doesn't like it when I leave the room. He wants to play all the time.

He loves to hug on James and play rough. It's so sweet to see him squeeze James's neck when he hugs him.

Oh, and one more thing....Roger is still Ryland's best buddy!

Have a blessed week, everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is getting so big! He is such a cutie!